Chiropractic Care And Your Neck: Common Questions

21 November 2022
 Categories: , Blog

Chiropractors are well known for treating back pain and back problems by adjusting the spine. But the spine does not end at the back; it also extends into the neck. As such, people often go to the chiropractor to treat their neck pain and related problems. If you have an appointment coming up, you might have a few questions about chiropractic care and neck adjustments. Discover the answers below. Will it hurt to have your neck adjusted? Read More 

Have Non-Specific Back Pain? Ask Your Chiropractor About Cupping Therapy

22 August 2022
 Categories: , Blog

Back pain can be caused by several issues, such as inflammatory disorders, fractures, spinal deformities, etc. However, if your doctor cannot pinpoint any root cause of this pain, you may have what's known as non-specific back pain. Non-specific back pain isn't caused by an underlying disease or infection; it can be caused by something vague, such as poor posture or a sedentary lifestyle.  Non-specific back pain can still be frustrating, however, as you may still experience chronic symptoms. Read More 

Neck Pain? - 3 Relief Options

28 January 2022
 Categories: , Blog

Neck pain can take on different forms. It can be a persistent throbbing ache or a stiff neck. Irrespective of the cause of neck pain, it is a painful encounter that interrupts the quality of life and holds you back from doing things you enjoy. However, your neck pain shouldn't lead you to bow out of going for a fun activity with friends. Below are three neck relief options for you to consider. Read More 

The Two Popular Car Accident Chiropractor Treatments

28 January 2022
 Categories: , Blog

Statistics show that, on average, 4.4 million people are injured every year in road accidents. Have you been involved in a car accident? The period following an accident can be painful and stressful since you need to seek medical care, report files, and maybe find a lawyer.  Despite having a lot to do, visiting a chiropractor should be at the top of your list to help minimize physical damage and ease the pain of injuries you have sustained. Read More